Discover the must-see sights of Jeti Oguz. From stunning natural formations to iconic landmarks, these sights capture the essence of our region.

The Uzongukush rivers have their sources in the Kokshaal-Too and Borkoldoi ranges and flow towards China.
This region is located on the borders of the Issyk Kul Oblast, the Naryn Oblast and the border with China. The climate is mild, although the average altitude is about 2800 metres. It can be reached from the Ak-Say valley in the west, or from the north from Ak-Shirak and Karasay. It is also a peaceful place where it is possible to observe wildlife.
There is about 1 inhabitant per square kilometre. You will only meet a few shepherd families and border guards. The area is subject to special regulations. You must obtain a border zone permit before going there (contact us to order a border zone permit in advance).